Coworking is a lifestyle. This global movement toward remote working has flourished as technology continues to bring people around the world together. The term “coworker” no longer refers to the man or woman who works next to you at your job. It can now mean the person who sits next to you at your local coworking space in a total different field of work. Coworking spaces are that beautiful happy medium so that people don’t have to work from home, either in isolation or among a host of disruptions, or go a nearby coffee shop where they may or may not get a seat next to a power outlet. Coworking is connecting with those around you in a controlled workspace where everything is created to make you more productive.
If you haven’t tried a coworking space and you are able to work remotely, check out a space near you and get plugged in to your local business ecosystem. These spaces have high speed (or gigabit) WIFI, networking opportunities, and coffee.
There is a better way to work than from home. Come check us out at Desktop Coworking Community in Kennesaw.